Annnnnd we're back!

Posted by Dove Swanson undefined - undefined - undefined

Hi. I'm Dove, and I have a problem. Apparently, I'm addicted. To what, you say? To taking fully-clothed, accessory-maxed photos of Lawless and smearing them all over this blog like some fashion-crazed hor. I can't help it....we're standing around and he starts changing (a process that can take up to an hour sometimes) - and then ....out comes this jacket and these boots and I started squealing like a little girl! I knew that this outfit was going to be our next blog post.

Okay, I'll slow down. Let's break this down....

First things first - this Highwayman Black Punk Jacket from Brutal Gear is so win! Not only is the texturing awesome with all the neat pockets, zippers, and decals (check out the back of that baby - sweet!)....but it comes with some pretty freaking dandy prim work as well. The sleeve-cuff prims are excellent, as is the prim belt, but what I really fell in love with were the epaulets (which is a fancy word for shoulder spike thingers) - Law loves himself some jackets, he probably owns every jacket and coat on the grid at the moment and one thing that is never quite satisfying is the prim work on shoulders - but this Brutal Gear jacket really pulled it off in a big way. We say - bravo, touche ....we concur, ol chap!

Next, I caught a glimpse of dark leather, straps, shiny buckles (lots and lots of buckles), and my mouth dropped open before I could even get my camera zoomed in. TonkTastic has gone and done it again folks....wowing us with his Biker Boots Extreme! The pictures alone are enough to make you cream your jeans, but they truly do not do these boots justice - you really must go and get these in-world, slap them on your feet and stomp around in them. Kick some butt if you're feelin' froggy - they'll thank you afterwards for doing it with such style.

Primitive Designs makes some of the most gnarly pants to wear, as you can see, we're two for two with this blog post, rawkin' it out with the Punisher Pants this time. You can't go wrong with pants like these really, and they're so easy to pair up with ...oh ...say....fishnet? Mmm. I told you, a man in fishnet is just damned hot.

We won't go away just yet without pointing out that lovely cluster of belts from ]monogrind[ ...a store that I stepped into and couldn't stop clicking the 'pay' button. A word of warning, while most of the stuff is tagged as unisex, the ladies will have to do a good bit of modifying - but it's worth it! Last, but certainly not least....the super fun and scarily delicious SwarthyGaze Goggles by Sacrifice. All that needs to be said: creepy, skeletal hands gripping a pair of rad goggles - how is this not the best neck accessory evar?

Thanks for tuning in. Now, I go poo.

Where It's At

Bare Rose - Sign of Bondage Leg Ribbon
Brutal Gear - Highwayman Black Punk Jacket
]monogrind[ - Dark Punky Studded Belts
AITUI TATTOO - Mr Midnight Tattoo
Primitive Design - Punisher Pants
~ broken ~ - Torn Fishnet Gloves
TonkTastic - Biker Boots Xtreme
Sacrifice - SwarthyGaze Goggles