Versailles Fashion Show

Posted by Mo Miasma - -

Final countdown to this special event starts NOW! I was asked by her Highness, Grand Duchess de Versailles Janine Debevec as proud to be Marquise de Chateau de Versailles, to organize this suberb event and with help of Madame coorganizator Elisama Rodenberger and huge support of whole Secondguru: Bibs Burns, Cleo Carbetta, Rhonda Molinaro, BoRee Vella, Whinter Paine, Fariida Yalin and Starchild Renoir - i love you guys!!! We miss you Vis :(<3,>

Huge Thank You to all designers who decided to participate in this special fashion happening - Tesla Miles, Caliah Lyon, Paulie Tamale, Megg Demina, Roslin Petion and CJ Carnot, June Dion, Esmerelda Oh, LeeZu Baxter, Shai Delacroix, Olaf Bergbahn and Nonna Hedges as same as to all Mesdames and Messieurs models.