Posted by Mo Miasma - -

Everything went well, concidering lag, full region, heavy prims of barouqe dresses - bravo Secondguru, me bow to you my dearest friends:).

Models of this fashion show werent ordinary model agency models, most of them are not part of the court of the Versailles (exepet Mesdames Countess Amalthea McMahon, Dame de Compagnie Starmaker Boa and me) but fashionistas of second life and members of secondguru project (, people who live all aspects of fashion in second life and from whom i m proud part of.

Mesdames Cleo Carbetta, Bibs Burns and Starchild Renoir in Nonna Hedges creations and with Paulie's hairs made specially for the show and Messieurs Dewind Kwak In Chokolate suit and Del Claymore in suit by Le Curtisan Parisien

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