From now on i am going to post news on whats going on and what's new in high end fashion
community of famous couture brands in
Liberty city. Today i m going to introduce you to
whats new in Baiastice boutique in Liberty city, 2 new mainstores on the sim and
some high tech kicking in with Sys skins and boots, oh do we lack those in world lately!
Baiastice has a whole new fall 2010 line out and news are available in Liberty city for you to
browse from. I would like to point out to gorgeous burlesque outfits on the left when you enter
boutique, these are absolutely right choice for your bedroom, night out or just to feel glamurous
and feminine at your home.
Rozena skin by Lindsay Rozen has a mainstore location on Liberty and new lines of skins are
out to browse from. On Rozena skin boutique you're going to bump in somewhere in the
middle of the Liberty city while taking a walk down the street.
Next new store in Liberty city is
Sys which brings high tech glamour from which i would like to
put an accent on a high quality boots with spike metal heels, in these lacking days of good
sexy boot inworld these are real refreshement. Demos are available, hop in any time in Libery
city Sys and try them on
Last but not least is new mainstore for skins under the brand of All about Yve. Yvonne's
boutique is situated on a main square and you can check them out, maybe you find exactly
what you need
Have a great weekend, have fun shopping and enjoy your SL
Tralalas from Liberty City:D