Surreal baroque style featured by Morantique freebie

Posted by Mo Miasma - -

New freebie in Morantique is these leather cubes with
multi sit and caffe table in the same style, hope you
gonna like it, i made it for our fashionistatic butts.

Its overture for the new surreal baroque furniture i m
gonna finish up and place in the store one fine day.
  • First picture:
Gracies rocks again this time with perfect name for this
post theme, dress that "screams" spring named Surrealia,
and Tesla shoes in pink leopard from new! series Fur
Vixens matching perfectly. Earrings are Creamshop glam
in white.

  • Second picture:
Tesla Leopard shoes with intimizzo stockings, League neobaroque
Steampunk skirt with locked belt, Szentasha Fashions black leather
Corazon corset and Paper couture pistashio wrap and Creamshop
Glam in Wood earrings. Hair is Detour Junebug in Java.

  • Third picture:
Preview of upcoming Minnu Models Skins hair
/MMS - long blond hair with Feathers from MAX Cachet,
Canimal - Allegra in Red corset "Voulez-vous coucher
avec moi (ce soir)?"
dress! and Tesla Snake from series
Fur vixens.

Glam SL Magazine - issue 2nd page 56-57