Secondguru Appearance

Posted by Mo Miasma - -

This post was supposed to be called five minutes tillmidnite but didnt manage cause of my 324829 time watchingLOTR and all this new year waiting crap.Eh for once that i saw something on other blog,since everyone are doing it, not that i have somethingagainst it but its really interesting-not when you see Bijou or Mirai style hair bloged for 34810 time talking aboutit like its flash news. Anyways, ummm i hope you had nicetime in rl, but i m pretty sure most of the grid will want to repeat party in sl version, so Cle and me jumped into Baiastice gowns, ultima alta moda italiana, we couldntresistere, sono meravigliose. Shai Merlot like wine dressand Nicky Ree Silva like snow one, anche. Anyways and either ways ..Gelukkig NieuwJaar & Sretna Nova Godina to everyone!

by Cleo Carbetta and MoMi