Ghost In My Closet

Posted by Anonymous - -

Every now and then a new designer comes along that gives you goosebumps. Triangle Caudron's new line Ghost! does exactly this. Unlike your typical Ghost, this one doesn't make you scream in fright but may still make you pee your pants (in a good way). I'm proud to say I was the 2nd person to rezz into her brand new store at the Arias Requiem Sim. As I was breathing down her poor little neck waiting for her to put up her vendors, she was nice enough to chat me up. Needless to say, she is not only talented but adorable and so sweet! So far Ghost! is a modest little shop but Triangle is definitely turning out some exciting new items on a (so far) daily basis. Can't wait to see what's in the future for this friendly Ghost!

Triangle Caudron at Ghost! Isn't She Pure Adorableness!

Ghost! - White Blood

Ghost! - Zero Shadow

Ghost! - Lag Tri Top (Shadow)